Contact Guest Relations
Use the form below to contact our Guest Relations Team. While we will usually try to get back to you within a few hours, it may take us considerably longer due to a recent increase in volume. We
get back to you. If you need immediate assistance, please use the chat function on our website.
How Can We Help?
Select the Category that best Describes Your Issue.
July 2021 Closure Refund Requests
Request a refund if you bought tickets after the park closed July 17
Membership, Tickets or Passes
Billing assistance, cancellations, payments, benefits, upgrades, etc
Group Sales (15+ tickets)
We can help you plan for groups of 15+ people
Visit Planning
Park schedule, Pickup & dropoff areas, ADA parking, RV parking, directions
Online Ordering Issues
Order errors, order cancellations, lost tickets, wrong park, address changes, printing issues
ADA/Disability/Special Needs
Parent Swap policies, special needs, rider safety guides, wheelchairs, strollers and policies
Rides, Shows, and Events
Ride ideas, height information, ride restrictions, Fright Fest, Holiday in the Park
Food, Dining and Shopping
Food allergies, dietary concerns, restaurants and shops
Park Policy Questions
Grooming policies, dress code, pets, smoking, etc
Lost and Found
Lost an item, found an item
Summer and full time jobs
Mobile App
Any issues or questions about mobile app
General Information
Park maps, hours, character meet & greets, smoking, directions, maps
COVID Related Concerns
Questions about COVID, reservations, and safety measures.